
Here are some helpful online resources.  Let us know what is missing!

Music Therapy Resources

• American Music Therapy Association

• Certification Board for Music Therapists

• Journal of Music Therapy

Higher Education College Certificate/Transition Programs

• THRIVE, University of Central Missouri

• REACH, University of Iowa

• CLEAR, Johnson County Community College (non-certificate)

Day Programs for Adults

• The Green Express Studio (CDDO day service provider)

• Sunflower Adult Learning Program, Church of the Resurrection  (not an official day service)

• Willow Tree Supports (CDDO day service provider)

Life Skills Resources

• Arc Self-Determination Scale

• Kansas Centers for Independent Living

• Life Skills Inventory

 University of Kansas Resources

• Music Therapy Program

• Student Access Services

• Academic Achievement and Access Center

• AbleHawks and Allies

Safety Resources

• If I Need Help (emergency contact)